WIR 6/14-6/20

Wednesday 6/14: Rough-winged Swallows were new for College Pond plus Delta-spotted Spiketail and a probable Spatterdock Darner.


Thursday 6/15: Checked out the Hamlen area in Wayland. Northern Waterthrush singing but not much else.

Friday 6/16: Nothing at Forest Grove.

Saturday 6/17: Waited for the mist to more or less stop then hit the Mystic Lakes (gulls and cormorants), Sandy Beach (the usual), and North Reservoir (the usual but a few gaps in my Winchester list, down to just Arlington and Bedford under 100 locally).

Sunday 6/18: Black-and-white at BBN was a bit of a surprise. Indigo was nice too.

Monday 6/19: Got out of the car at Great Meadows and saw a weasel run from under the tower. It didn’t return and there wasn’t much else around.

Tuesday 6/20: Wandered out to Lincoln. Stepped out of the car and almost had a young Pileated drop onto me.
