WIR 5/4-5/10

Wednesday 5/4: Sora (in flight!) at Great Meadows.

Thursday 5/5: Least Flycatcher and a few other expected arrivals at Purgatory/Forest Grove.

Friday 5/6: Grosbeaks, an Ovenbird, Blue-wings, and a few other things at BBN.

Saturday 5/7: Started at the res, which was quiet. Made a lousy decision to check Arlington Res next, which was very quiet.

Sunday 5/8: BBC walk at Mt. Auburn had a few new warblers, plus a tanager, GC Flycatcher, etc. More later in the day.

Monday 5/9: BBN was moderately busy. New birds included a Broad-wing or two, Magnolia, BT Green, Redstart, Yellowthroats, and orioles.

Tuesday 5/10: More additions at Dunback included Prairie and BT Blue. Eagles on both ends of the commute.