WIR 3/8-3/14

Monday 3/8: Prospect Hill, nice walk but nothing of note.

Tuesday 3/9: Met State, see yesterday. Grackles have fully arrived in the neighborhood.

Wednesday 3/1: Paine, see yesterday.

Thursday 3/11: Beaver Brook ponds. Bob’s Ring-necks had departed and not much else was around. Nothing good among the geese at Fernald either.

Friday 3/12: Hardy Pond had lots of ducks including 25+ Common Mergansers, 5 Hoodies, 1 Ruddy, 3 Ring-necks, 3 Bufflehead, and a Wigeon.

Saturday 3/13: Stayed in, good bit at the feeders but nothing different (other than a passing falcon that I barely got on).

Sunday 3/14: Heavy rain all day.