WIR 1/26-2/1

Wednesday 1/26: Tried the Duck Ponds but they were too snowy to walk around.

Thursday 1/27: Snowed in yet again.

Friday 1/28: Checked the Charles along the Watertown line. Nothing unusual but good to be somewhere slightly different.

Saturday 1/29: See weekend post and add a Hermit Thrush at Dunback.

Sunday 1/30: See weekend post and add the usual Cape Ann birds. Original plan was to meet up with the Bloggerhead Kingbirds but the mystery gull meant I didn’t go beyond Jodrey Pier with them (well, lunch too). King Eider in the afternoon was quite nice, in binocular range this time as opposed to the black dot that others said had a blue head on Jan 1.

Monday 1/31: Beaver Brook had lots of dogs.

Tuesday 2/1: More storms…