WIR 11/2-11/8

Wednesday 11/2: Prospect Hill: 2 deer, very few birds.

Thursday 11/3: Duck ponds were having tree work so ended at Rock Meadow. Fourteen turkeys at the entrance to the gardens, a sapsucker and hermit thrush in them. Coot, Ruddies, and a Kingfisher on Hardy Pond in the afternoon.

Friday 11/4: Purgatory Cove had the usual ducks (mostly on the river) plus 5 Bufflehead. After work stop at the Cambridge Res got the coots in close. Took one picture with the phone, but Marj got better. More Bufflehead here, 35, which blows away my previous high count for the area.

Saturday 11/5: All day in Fairhaven with the BBC. Full details on the BBC trips blog but here are a couple photos:



Was coming home on Rt. 2 so decided to scan the north end of the Cambridge Res. No shorebirds but first Common Mergansers of the fall, plus 2 turkeys around the corner.

Sunday 11/6: Joined the MBC walk at Dunback. Was up early and it was bright, so headed to Waltham St first. Walked in and the Lark Sparrow was right there, a bit of a surprise after seeing negative reports all week. Also had first American Tree Sparrows of the fall and a couple Rusty Blackbirds. The group came back over and I managed to find the sparrow way up in one of the trees, allowing for decent scope looks. Back at Dunback we had 1 Fox Sparrow, a couple Hermit Thrushes, and my latest ever Blue-headed Vireo. Cambridge Res after had nothing new. Flint’s Pond had a few mergansers.

Lark Sparrow

Monday 11/7: BBN was very quiet. Lots of juncos, a couple darners, 1 meadowhawk.

Tuesday 11/8: Lot 1 was pretty much like BBN yesterday, plus a Tree Sparrow, garter snake, and calling frogs.