WIR 4/17-4/23

Wednesday 4/17: Up to 24 Ruddies at Hardy Pond. Hermit Thrush and Chipping Sparrow at BBN. Very quick evening walk at Purgatory Cove had more Chipping Sparrows and a Yellow-rump (hope the Yellow-throated came in overnight).

Thursday 4/18: Gnatcatcher and lots of Swamp Sparrows at Dunback before work. Noisy breeding birds at Prospect Hill plus first tiger beetle of the year and a few Mourning Cloaks.

Friday 4/19: Cooper’s was the best of the yard birds.

Saturday 4/20: Nothing at Cambridge Res or Flint’s Pond. Arlington Res had something of a waterbird fallout, but it was all Mute Swans. Caught up with the Yellow-throated Warbler at Forest Grove after a bit of effort.


Sunday 4/21: Blue-headed Vireo and a bunch of gnatcatchers at Dunback plus first Spring Azure of the year.

Monday 4/22: Tried Purgatory Cove to see if the warbler was still around (and hiding along the river). No luck with that but my earliest Chimney Swifts and a nice Sharpie were around.

Tuesday 4/23: Swallows but nothing interesting at Hardy and nothing at the res.