WIR 7/17-7/22

Wednesday 7/17: Took a short walk along Pelham Island Rd without much of interest. Had time after to scan Heard Pond. Quiet until a loon dropped in right through my field of view.

Thursday 7/18: Couple Least Sandpipers at BBN.

Friday 7/19: Nothing of note at Great Meadows.

Saturday 7/20: Went to Squantum before the heat got too bad. Got the 3 expected birds I needed for Norfolk (ibis, BC Night-Heron, Saltmarsh Sparrow) and a decent number of peeps plus a few dowitchers. Lots of Seaside Dragonlets too. Continued to Nut Island, where the breeze was nice but there weren’t enough birds to make it worth staying. Stopped at the res on the way home. Alan had found good dragonflies in the pond by Healthpoint, so I spent a few minutes there and had 2-3 Comet Darners and a Carolina Saddlebags.

Sunday 7/21: Did a short loop at BBN early. Ended up scoping the parkway marsh for a good hour, 40ish species almost all from the one spot including Least, Solitary, and Spotted Sandpipers, 13+ Killdeer, and waxwings flying all over. Did a short drive around elsewhere after, only thing of note was a loon on Flint’s.

Monday 7/22: Dunback had a woodcock, an Indigo Bunting, and hundreds of robins.

Tuesday 7/23: Busy getting ready for the next DSA trip but stopped at the res on the way home to see nothing.