WIR 8/14-8/20

Wednesday 8/14: Nothing exciting at Sudbury Great Meadows.

Thursday 8/15: Parula, 15+ Least, family of Cooper’s, and a Broad-wing at BBN.

Friday 8/16: Nothing out of the expected at Meriam’s.

Saturday 8/17: Did a coastal swing. Deer Island was more or less fogged in and didn’t have much for land birds. Lots of Black-bellied Plovers and Ruddy Turnstones at Fisherman’s Bend but not in a good spot to search through. Got the Little Blues at Belle Isle easily but had to climb the tower to find the Whimbrel (Suffolk #214). Still 2 Stilt Sandpipers (Norfolk #176) at Squantum plus a couple Pecs, 2 White-rumps, lots of the common stuff.

Sunday 8/18: Started at Earhart. No egrets today. Still minimal shorebirds, only 3 Semipalmated Sandpipers and a flyby Least. Draw Seven was quiet. Horn Pond was quiet, but while talking to Bob just before I left he picked out the coot hidden on one of the islands and then an eagle flew over. Sandy Beach was pretty quiet beyond what was probably the same eagle. Blair Pond was very quiet.

Monday 8/19: Nothing much at Dunback, probable Blue-winged the most interesting (a better view would have been nice, especially after a Lawrence’s turned up Tuesday). Hummingbird near the yard in the afternoon.

Tuesday 8/20: BT Green, 2 Redstarts, and a bunch of kingbirds at Nobscot.