WIR 10/13-10/19

Wednesday 10/13: Cookson was quiet, although a Swamp Sparrow got me to a clean 100 in Watertown (Mt. Auburn is under Watertown in my records, so shows quite a bit higher). Very little east of the square.

Thursday 10/14: Went to Arlington Res hoping for a late shorebird like a White-rump or Dunlin. Unlike my last couple visits, the sun was out, so it was near impossible to scan from the playground side. Picked up a few things including both teal and both yellowlegs before checking the farm. A few sparrows and a warbler popped up. I expected it to be the Orange-crowned Kathy had a couple days ago, but it was a Nashville. Decided to continue towards the beach as the light would be better. Nothing much beyond a couple Semipalmated Sandpipers, so I turned to head the other way (construction makes circling hard). Back along the farm edge, I made another scan and something with the yellowlegs was rather tipped over. Looked good for a Stilt Sandpiper, so I doubled back to near the beach and got very good views. Had just enough time after that to check from the other opening by the Rindge playground and found a snipe there, but the light wasn’t good for ducks. Checking reports now, I see a couple White-rumps were reported so my original idea was good too.

Friday 10/15: BBN was moderately birdy, although without too much of interest. Kingfisher, BH Vireo about the best.

Saturday 10/16: Avoided the BBC trip at Nahanton by going to Cold Spring Park instead. Red-eyed Vireo and lots of robins and Yellow-rumps but next to nothing else. Stopped at Norumbega on the way home and had a bunch of GW Teal. Half stop at the res first had a Ruddy. Did Hobbs Brook in the afternoon with nothing. Two Rusties at Waltham St.

Sunday 10/17: Not much at the res. Fresh Pond was pretty quiet, got the Ring-necks and Nashville I needed but not much else. Checked the Earhart area for the first time in a couple months. Tide was wrong so no spot for any shorebirds, usual gulls and cormorants, no ducks, and not much for landbirds.

Monday 10/18: College Pond was birdy, got 6 Weston year birds including a Red-shoulder finally for the ‘commute’ and a couple flyover Purple Finch. Quick check of the res on the way home had a bigger flock of Ring-necks (10 but more than 3) and a couple Ruddy.

Tuesday 10/19: Great Meadows was pretty quiet, a few wigeon and GW Teal, another couple Purple flyovers and that was about it. Quick afternoon check of Flint’s had 7 Black Scoter and a few Ruddy plus a Horned Grebe on the res. Kinglet in the yard too.