WIR 7/12-7/18

Wednesday 7/12: Didn’t get out for the first time in ages.

Thursday 7/13: Quick loop of BBN had a Hooded Merganser.

Friday 7/14: Was too nice at Great Meadows. Couple YT Vireos singing and a Monarch were nice but thought that would be it until a Least Bittern flew right past me as I was walking back.

Saturday 7/15: Hop Brook/Desert/Assabet loop had the usual. Meriam’s after had a first of fall Solitary.

Sunday 7/16: Nothing at the res. A few peep at School St, which I had to wait 20 minutes in a downpour for, then noticed the tornado alert as soon as I got out of the car, so I bailed pretty quickly.

Monday 7/17: Nothing much at Ricci Farm.

Tuesday 7/18: Usual at Weston Station Pond.