WIR 10/5-10/11

Wednesday 10/5: Purgatory Cove: bunch of Green-winged Teal, first of fall juncos.

Thursday 10/6: Prospect Hill before work: lots of White-throats, Black-and-white, many flyover Yellow-rumps and Blackpolls. Beaver Brook at lunch: Blue-headed Vireo, more Yellow-rumps and a Palm were about it.

Friday 10/7: Prospect Hill again, zip.

Saturday 10/8: More or less stayed in for Yom Kippur. Did walk down to the store for get food for Sunday and found a Red-tail maybe 10 feet off the ground (unfortunately had the phone off and it flew by the time it turned on).

Sunday 10/9 and Monday 10/10: Big Sit and some local stuff

Tuesday 10/11: BBN had a BT Blue, a few Blackpolls, and enough Yellow-rumps that I needed another couple hours to sort through them all.