WIR 5/16-5/22

Wednesday 5/16: Duck ponds: waterthrush was about it.

Thursday 5/17: Prospect Hill before work. Magnolia and another waterthrush to start. Redstart, Pine, Blackpoll, Parula, Yellowthroat on the hill. Black-and-white at end of Whitney. Indigo Buntings all over. Lots of Red-eyed Vireos on the road (4 in one spot). BBN again at lunch, circled the marsh and found mostly Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.

Friday 5/18: Tried Lone Tree Hill for a change. Nice selection of butterflies including first of year ringlets but not much else.

Saturday 5/19: Lazy day. Karsten’s Black Vulture report finally got me going early afternoon. Ran to Spy Pond and then though better of it and went to the tower at Mt. Auburn. Eventually picked up a (the?) Bald Eagle way off but no vulture. Two minute drive through Lincoln for Marj’s Kentucky Warbler didn’t turn it up.

Sunday 5/20: Walked to Rock Meadow and back. Mostly residents but first of year Willow Flycatcher and hummingbird plus a few local firsts. Butterflies were better and included 3 Pepper-and-salt Skippers in the West Meadow. Also had a huge snapping turtle on Trapelo.

Evil Blue-wing

And caught up to this guy (5/10) with a camera (click through for video).

Monday 5/21: Fairly quiet along the Pine Ledges trail at Prospect Hill. Did have a Stream Cruiser at Big Prospect.

Tuesday 5/22: Hoped for some storm birds on Hardy Pond or the Cambridge Res but found nothing but a cormorant at each.