WsIR 6/13-6/26

Computer issues…

Wednesday 6/13: Habitat survey was quiet beyond another RB Nuthatch. Stopped at the duck ponds on the way home without much of note.

Thursday 6/14: Rock Meadow survey had 3 flyover cormorants but nothing else. Ran around the parkway and middle area of BBN, Ovenbird singing, Rough-winged Swallow, and Blue-wing with food. Out for a little ride in the evening and had an Osprey more or less over Lot 1.

Friday 6/15: Nothing exciting at Great Meadows.

Saturday 6/16: Couldn’t find the Ruddies at Horn Pond (cub scout fishing event didn’t help). Continued to Bare Meadow in Reading (nothing exciting), then Hobbs Brook (nothing).

Sunday 6/17: Out to Ashby. Quiet at Blood Hill. Lots of good butterflies and a few odes at Watatic. No loons at Fitchburg Res, so one at Flint’s was a nice surprise on the way home.

Monday 6/18: Usual at BBN, finally caught up with one of the Green Herons.

Tuesday 6/19: 5+ Ravens at Dunback.

Wednesday 6/20: Barred Owl, another 5 ravens, and a Red-bellied Tiger Beetle at Prospect Hill.

Thursday 6/21: Slender Bluet at the Wayland CG.

Friday 6/22: Ovenbirds, Winter Wren, Northern Waterthrush at Hamlen Reservation.

Saturday 6/23: Wandered Rock Meadow and BBN without anything particularly exciting.

Sunday 6/24: Every single bird on my Suffolk needs alert was at either Millennium or Brook Farm, so headed that way (also hoping to be nearby if the computer was fixed). Got Orchard Oriole at Millennium and Pewee at Brook but no GC Flycatcher or RE Vireo (plus the less likely stuff). Continued to the Charles River Peninsula which had a juv cuckoo and lots of Slender Bluets.

Monday 6/25: Usual at Forest Grove.

Tuesday 6/26: Usual at Lot 1.