WIR 6/15-6/21

Wednesday 6/15: Acadian was reported again, so tried Brewster’s Woods again. No luck (might have been calling earlier), but a couple Laphria and a Microdon were nice.

Thursday 6/16: Habitat survey was highlighted by raccoons. Stopped and checked the trail around the marsh on Concord Ave on the way back, there’s now a real bridge across the stream. Wasn’t terribly birdy and the cattails were too high to scan well.

Friday 6/17: RB Nuthatch at Codman while walking to Farm Meadow, which had a few Bobolinks (much of the field has already been mowed, 6 ravens, and a Green Heron. Had time to check Nine Acre for Orchard Oriole but nothing much there.

Saturday 6/18: Tried for Pygmy Clubtails in the Blue Hills. Weather probably wasn’t good enough. Very dark and cloudy when I arrived, so walked a bit away from the stream and got the Pileated and Worm-eating Warbler I needed. Brightened up, so I worked up and down the stream a few times but only found jewelwings and a Swamp Spreadwing. Checked the pond and added Marsh Bluet, then went to a slightly different section, which turned out to be connect pretty quickly. Nothing much there.

Sunday 6/19: Fortunately had canceled the Minuteman survey before the rain. Started at Earhart where there were a few terns and the rest of the usual stuff. Belle Isle cemetery and greenway next, nothing much in the creeks. Wasn’t seeing much over the marsh, so went to Winthrop Beach hoping for Least Tern. No terns there (cold and windy!) but 5+ Piping Plovers and a raven were nice. Went back to Belle Isle proper and got my Saltmarsh Sparrows for the year, but very little else around.

Monday 6/20: Did the survey, usual stuff although not many Ovenbirds and thrushes (season hopefully). Owl flushed between points and there was something sapsuckery calling near there.

Tuesday 6/21: Nothing much at Cookson or along the river.