WIR 11/30-12/6

Wednesday 11/30: Sharpie and that was about it at Fresh Pond.

Thursday 12/1: 7 GW Teal, 3 Fox Sparrows, and a woodcock at BBN. Usual at Hardy.

Friday 12/2: Pileated, Hermit Thrush, not too much else at Meriam’s. Cambridge Turnpike marshes were quiet. Flint’s looked to be mostly mergansers but didn’t scope.

Saturday 12/3: Wanted to be home early, so just a quick run. Started with a scan of the goose-less prison and School St fields then stopped at Warner’s Pond. Seven Gadwall still around along with 4 Savannahs and a Yellow-rump. Nine Acre had lots of Canadas but couldn’t pick anything else out.

Sunday 12/4: Went down to the Charles River Peninsula for the warbler show. First pass had none, second had the Blackpoll and Tennessee. Walked the full loop after and didn’t see much, came back to find Simon and Erik in the parking lot and that the Nashville had joined the crowd. Hung around for a bit, then we did the loop again, adding a catbird this time.

While considering the next stop, I got a text about the Tundra Swan at Great Meadows so that made the decision easy for Simon and I. Got there in time to see it swim by at close range then fly right over our heads. Enjoyed the social hour for a bit before I had to run.

Monday 12/5: Fairly quiet at Forest Grove.

Tuesday 12/6: No luck with any warblers at Drumlin Farm, probable Dickcissel calling didn’t cooperate either.