Wednesday 8/2: No migrants at Rock Meadow or the duck ponds.
Thursday 8/3: Couple orioles at Cookson, not much along the river.
Friday 8/4: Eagle, 5 Least, a Spotted, and a Northern Waterthrush at Great Meadows.
Saturday 8/5: GH Owl and the expected stuff at Estabrook. Quiet ode walk at the Cranberry Bog, Striped Hairstreak was the most interesting thing.
Sunday 8/6: Squantum run, coyote was about it at Squantum Point Park. Virginia Rail (actually a county bird), but no unusual shorebirds and no kestrel at the marshes. Three redstarts at Nickerson Rock. Kestrel cooperated and flew over the car on the way out at least.
Monday 8/7: 2 Restart, 2 Black-and-white, another warbler that looked fairly interesting but got away at BBN.
Tuesday 8/8: Gave School St, Nine Acre, and the res a quick scan in the downpours without anything to show for it.