WIR 5/8-5/1

Wednesday 5/8: Mostly beat the rain at BBN. Did the marsh loop instead of the hill. Pewee singing was nice, then an interesting trill at the back, which proved to be a Worm-eating Warbler! Nice to get that here finally (patch 189 or 190 depending on pheasant countability) and also a new ‘commute’ bird (253). Rain picked up, so I ran around the res and a RT Loon was in the open.

Thursday 5/9: Got out to Estabrook. Lot of song early but nothing exciting. No waterthrushes on the Loop Trail but a Blackburnian was singing, somehow new for me in Concord. Three crossbills on the way back, sounded a bit different. That took a bit of time, so had to rush a bit, but another Blackburnian, a Canada, and more near the entrance.

Friday 5/10: Arlington Res had no mud but the same swallows, a Blackpoll, a Wilson’s, a Tennessee, and a few other things. Loon still on the res but no Ruddy at Hardy.

Saturday 5/11: MBC Big Day. Cool and windy, only managed 96. Another Worm-eating was the highlight, along with 2 Bay-breasted, PB Grebe, snipe, etc.

Sunday 5/12: Bit of a lazy day. Made it to McLaughlin Woods around 9. Bit slow to get going but eventually had a Cape May and then the Chestnut-sided I still needed for Suffolk. Second pass had a bunch of Ovenbirds as did the Iroquois St woods. Went to D. Blakely Hoar after and didn’t find much, then went home and napped.

Monday 5/13: Prospect Hill was birdy, although as always in the furthest spot so hard to sort through everything. Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Swainson’s Thrush, pewee, etc.

Tuesday 5/14: Ovenbird and RB Grosbeak in the yard. Went to BBN, walked about 10 feet and got a message from Kathy about a Kentucky at Minuteman. Lily said it was fairly quiet anyway, so we ran right over and eventually got decent looks (‘commute’ 254!).