WIR 5/15-5/21

Wednesday 5/15: Started for Weston Station Pond but traffic looked awful so went to Shade St and Hobbs Brook. Nothing terribly exciting at either.

Thursday 5/16: RT Loon was still on the res. Got nicer at Great Meadows, 2 Common Loons flying over and a singing Willow Flycatcher (commute #150 for the year) about it.

Friday 5/17: No early word on the Chuck-will’s-widow, so Habitat it was. Few warblers, a singing thrush that needed a longer listen, not too much else.

Saturday 5/18: Started at Magazine Beach. Waited out the rain, then gave a quick look around. Not too much, parula, redstart, Black-and-white about it. Decided that even if there had been negative reports, I should go for the Chuck. Plenty of street parking, walked over, and almost stepped on the bird. Posted, watched for a few, then moved on. Glad other people appeared to see it move a bit later in the day, did have some thoughts about whether it was alive enough to be countable.

Fresh Pond next, Orchard Oriole about the only thing of note. Realized that the chuck or the Wilson’s Warbler was #99 for the month in Suffolk, so went to Chandler Pond hoping for an easy 100th. No luck there, so went to Chestnut Hill Res where a kingbird immediately called. Ended up doing a fairly complete walk without adding much else.

Sunday 5/19: Did a walking day. Started cloudy and misty and didn’t get much better. Very few migrants too. Couple Redstarts at Falzone along with an eagle, nothing much at the West Meadow or BBN. Bobolink and a couple hummers at Rock Meadow. Hoodie on the parkway marsh on the way back, but that was about it, 61 species total.

Monday 5/20: Finally got a Common Loon for the Charles with a flyover at Auburndale Park. Magnolia, Corvus trifecta, pair of tanagers too. Turkey at the office.

Tuesday 5/21: Went to Brewster’s Woods for the returning Prothonotary. Was very distantly audible. Also a few other warblers, lots of creepers, lots of baskettails, etc.