WIR 5/27-6/2

Wednesday 5/27: Nothing beyond an Orchard Oriole at BBN.

Thursday 5/28: Boreal Bluets and a Harlequin Darner at College Pond.

Friday 5/29: Nothing at Great Meadows.

Saturday 5/30: Ran out to Townsend. Decent numbers of dragonflies including my first Beaverpond Clubtail and Elfin Skimmers for the county. Would have liked the additional whitefaces to show better, suspect I saw all 5 but couldn’t confirm the 2 better ones. Also had an Arctic Skipper here and a few Silvery Blues out in Ashby.

Arctic Skipper

Silvery Blue
Sitting outside late afternoon had the returning Broad-wing, a vulture, FOY saddlebags and Prince Baskettail, and first for the yard Little Wood Satyr.
Sunday 5/31: BBC/MBC trip to Great Meadows. Slow start but nice flyby of Least Bittern and calling PB Grebe towards the end.
Monday 6/1: Rainy, nothing at Heard or the res.
Tuesday 6/2: Still rainy, still nothing at Heard.