WIR 9/27-10/3

Wednesday 9/27: Fairly quiet at Lindentree, very late pondhawk the most interesting.

Thursday 9/28: Nothing at Forest Grove.

Friday 9/29: Nashville, BT Blue, Parula, Lincoln’s Sparrow, etc at the Wayland Community Gardens plus Ruddies on Heard Pond.

Saturday 9/30: Zip at the res.

Sunday 10/1: Started at Danehy. Got 40 species, including 5+ warblers, a sapsucker, and a few sparrows. Continued to Earhart with 2 redstarts and a few more sparrows. Night-heron from the Somerville side. Usual at Hobbs Brook.

Monday 10/2: Finally got a Swainson’s Thrush for the commute at BBN (#207). Also first of fall Winter Wren, a creeper, and a few warblers.

Tuesday 10/3: Lots at Meriam’s including first of year pipits, a Red-shoulder, first of fall Rusties, and a Pileated.