Wednesday 5/27: Prospect Hill, first baskettails, a BT Green, and a new robber fly (Neoitamus orphne).
Thursday 5/28: Pretty quiet at Forest Grove. Walking by the pines to head out, I noticed a few agitated birds and eventually found an entire family of Screech-Owls right above the road.
Friday 5/29: Bobolink was new for the commute year at Farm Meadow but not much else.
Saturday 5/30: Went down to Rocky Narrows in Sherborn for Worm-eating Warbler and to get the Sherbon list going. Got at least one of the warblers and 50+ species there. Continued to the Charles Link Trail in Medfield where I had 3 Norfolk birds (Veery, YT Vireo, Least Flycatcher) plus FOY Turquoise Bluets and Harlequin Darner. Baskettail in the yard later.
Sunday 5/31: Started with the Old Rifle Range, Winter Wren, 2 waterthrush, etc. Went to Two Rod Road next. No boghaunter but a few other odes. Stopped at Hobbs Brook on the way home, very quiet.
Monday 6/1: Rock Meadow was fairly quiet, which left enough to circle the duck ponds. They were quiet too, but a Pileated at the bottom of the hill was patch #185!
Tuesday 6/2: Alder Flycatcher among the usual at BBN.