WIR 1/27-2/2

Wednesday 1/27: Active yard although nothing exciting. Lunchtime run around Moody St was pretty quiet except one of the Pine Warblers turned up in a yard along Crescent St.

Thursday 1/28: Nothing in the snow at Rock Meadow or the duc ponds.

Friday 1/29: Too cold.

Saturday 1/30: Mostly too cold, nothing at Norumbega, 5 Red-tails and a harrier at Nine Acre in a quick drive around midafternoon.

Sunday 1/31: Midday walk along the Mystic Lakes had a kingfisher and lots of mergansers. Tiny bit of open water at the res but just common stuff.

Monday 2/1: Merlin and Red-wings at Dunback.

Tuesday 2/2: Too snowy.