WIR 4/7-4/13

Wednesday 4/7: Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush, GH Owl at Hayden Woods. Greater Scaup and a bluebird at the res.

Thursday 4/8: Pretty busy at Weston Station Pond, year birds included Chipping Sparrow and Northern Rough-winged Swallow, plus commute Palm Warbler and a few other things.

Friday 4/9: Usual at Forest Grove, singing Rusty the most interesting.

Saturday 4/10: Went a bit west for some town list building. Not too much in Boxborough, got 7 (out of a hoped 13) plus a few more in Littleton. First butterfly of the year too with an azure.

Sunday 4/11: Nothing too exciting at Arlington Res, 3 swallows about it. Snipe at Waltham St, nothing at the res (although I thought I had a grebe from 128) or at Hobbs Brook.

Monday 4/12: PB Grebe, Swamp Sparrows in finally, few other things at Great Meadows.

Tuesday 4/13: Cabbage White at Gore, Fish Crow by Watertown Square.