WIR 5/25-5/31

Wednesday 5/25: Out to Punkatasset for yesterday’s Hooded Warbler. No luck with that but YB Cuckoo, YT Vireo, and Veery plus a beaver and Spangled Skimmer.

Thursday 5/26: Tanner’s Brook had a woodcock and a few interesting Syrphids plus finally a Pileated for the commute.

Friday 5/27: Broad-wing and some skippers at BBN.

Saturday 5/28: Decided it wasn’t quite rainy enough to do Great Meadows, so went to Millennium. Caught up with the YT Vireo fairly easily, also an egret or 3 and a Virginia Rail. Continued to Stony Brook, which was pretty quiet. Thought about Cutler Park but the lot I wanted was full, so went to Norumbega. Good choice as a Pileated was a long-awaited bird on the Charles. Wish the large swallow gave a better view though.

Sunday 5/29: BBC walk at Great Meadows. No luck with rails or bitterns other than a brief view of a gallinule that took off before I could even say anything. Bunch of hummers, good views of the usual stuff at least. Hobbs Brook was pretty quiet on the way home but a Harlequin Darner was nice. Shade St didn’t have much more, did finally actually see a Red-eyed Vireo.

Monday 5/30: Went out to Westford before meeting people at the Cranberry Bog. Got up to 50 there, Marsh Wrens, Orchard Oriole, Brown Thrasher the best plus Silvery Blue. The bog had lots of odes, Springtime Darner and Marsh Bluet new for me there.

Tuesday 5/31: Weston Station Pond had the usual, couple Pileated the most interesting.