WIR 6/1-6/7

Wednesday 6/1: Brief flight view of a Least Bittern at Great Meadows but no gallinule. Greater Yellowlegs about the only other thing of note.

Thursday 6/2: Rock Meadow survey was quiet beyond GB Herons flying around nonstop. Lots at BBN in a quick walk but nothing exciting.

Friday 6/3: Usual stuff along by Watertown Square. Hairy on a dead stump in the middle of the field at Gore was a bit odd.

Saturday 6/4: Decided to poke around a little bit south. Started at Pod Meadow in Wayland, where I flushed a Pileated almost underfoot and then had a family of creepers. Couldn’t find much else. Continued to a trail on the Framingham side that looked interesting. Was fairly quiet (sun still hadn’t broken through), but picked up 5 targets for Framingham (all fairly common, up to 98 now). Realized Bay-breasted would be a June bird so went to Hanscom after. No luck, not surprising that late in the morning, but did have a couple Harvesters among other things.

Sunday 6/5: Started at McLaughlin Woods where there was a redstart and none of the flycatchers or Mourning Warbler from previous days. Lost Pond and D. Blakely Hoar next, nothing exciting at either. Noticed the flycatchers were reported, so doubled back and got poor views of a Yellow-bellied but no Olive-sided (although the only photos I’ve seen were not an Olive-sided).

Monday 6/6: Tried the Cambridge Turnpike Marshes. No marsh birds but a Barred Owl was being chased around by jays in the woods behind, new bird for Concord! Nothing at Hardy or Flint’s.

Tuesday 6/7: Habitat survey, nothing doing.