WIR 9/27-10/3

Wednesday 9/27: BH Vireo, WT Sparrow, RC Kinglet, and not too much else at Danehy.

Thursday 9/28: Pileated, hummingbird, junco, White-crown at BBN.

Friday 9/29: Very little at Rock Meadow, Nashville or two and a Red-shoulder about it. Loon at the res on the way home in the afternoon.

Saturday 9/30: Nothing at the res. Small warbler flock and little else at Great Meadows. Nothing of note sitting on the deck in Otis.

Sunday 10/1: Did the on foot day. Started well with Blackpolls flying over, a redstart, Black-and-white, and Nashville all at Falzone. Accipiters all over the West Meadow (and BBN). Night-Heron was my first on foot away from Leitha, added Parula to the warbler count for 7 species on the day. Two pewees and a hummer at Rock Meadow. FOF GC Kinglet at the duck ponds. Nothing on the way back, finished with 54 species and got the cumulative year foot list to 104.


Monday 10/2: Dunback had a Merlin and lots of waxwings.

Tuesday 10/3: Pretty quiet at Cookson and along the Charles.